Market basket analysis (MBA) is an example of an analytics technique employed by retailers to understand customer purchase behaviors. It is used to determine what items are frequently bought together or placed in the same basket by customers. It uses this purchase information to leverage effectiveness of sales and marketing. MBA looks for combinations of products that frequently occur in purchases and has been prolifically used since the introduction of electronic point of sale systems that have allowed the collection of immense amounts of data.
On completion of this course, you will master the Market Basket Analysis (MBA) or Association Rules (AR) techniques in Machine Learning; how does an Association rule look like; how it can be applied in a variety of situations, and also, how to measure the strength of Association rules through the different metrics or measures such as Support, Confidence, and Lift. In addition, after a demo of basic working of MBA or AR, you would have worked on a use case to fortify the concepts learned and discussed during the course.